More a reminder for me than a real post, but if anyone suffers from the fairly common "iPhone 3G/3Gs slow wifi" issues (see
here and
here), follow the instructions in the third link and things should come right. I don't claim to really understand what RTS/CTS means (
Zyxel's definitions are here) but having recently swapped my router at home for a Zyxel HW-660-D1 router (thanks
Mike), I was suffering from incredibly slow wifi on my iPhone (all other devices were fine, just the iPhone's were having problems). I spent ages trawling the interweb and eventually improved things by changing these advanced settings on the router:
- Disabled 802.11G+ (and just using 802.11G instead)
- Changed to RTS/CTS Threshold to 2432
- Changed the fragmentation threshold to 2432
Although it's not blisteringly fast, I can at least listen to BBC Radio Cumbria using WunderRadio without it buffering all the time.